Sunday, June 27, 2010


Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.


The Word of God tells us of God's love. It should be something we should all cherish and want to know about for ourselves as well as to share it with our family and friends.

The Word of God warns us of God's Judgement. It amazes me as I watch the news and see so many disasters at how many of the remind me of God's coming Judgements in the Bible. I believe that we should read His word so that we will be prepared for things to come and will not be so surprised.

The Word of God shows the way of salvation. Jesus is the way to eternal and abundant life and no other book so plainly describes that to us. If any other book does tell you about salvation it has to be a book about the Bible or using part of the Bible because in it are the Words of Eternal life.

The Word of God Guides us and helps us to grow spiritually. If a person fails to grow physically we know that there is a problem. If a person fails to grow mentally it is evident to us. Many people never seem to grow spiritually and we are not alarmed. Let us feed upon the Word of God to become the spiritual beings that God intends for us to be.

Please feel free to contact me by email at with questions, comments or even suggestions for further devotional studies.

If you know of someone new to the Kosciusko area and would like for our church to visit them please let us know. Our prayers are that this devotional ministry will be an outreach to bring people into a closer relationship with TJesus. I do appreciate you taking the time to read these devotionals and please keep us in your prayers.

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