Thursday, March 5, 2009


Psalms 118:24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Several years ago I received one of those stories that are emailed around and forwarded to everyone because it makes such a good point. It was about a woman helping her brother-in-law pick out the clothing for his wife's (her sister) funeral. He came upon a special piece of clothing that she had bought several years earlier and was saving to wear for a special occasion. "I guess this is the last special occasion she will have the opportunity to wear it." he commented.
I go back every once in a while to read that email because it reminds me that special occasions and special days are the ones we make special. It takes some effort and it takes putting some thought into it but we can do little things everyday to make them special.
When my grandson was younger we used to plan something special for the breaks he got from kindergarten. He still talks about some of those days because we made an extra effort to make them special occasions.
This day is special, the Lord allowed me to be a part of it and that in itself is special. With such a special gift as brand new day I feel kind of obligated to make a special occasion out of each one. I certainly don't want my next special occasion to be my funeral.


  1. my oldest grandson used to have bad nightmares and kick and fight in his sleep, waking up tired and angry. I started asking him before he went to sleep what he wanted to have sweet dreams about. He would think of something we had watched on tv or done and say i want to dream about our house boat. He would sleep peacefully for hours and wake up rested and tell me what he did in his house boat

  2. I love this...I have a Zach that we do this with now and it really works...sometimes we go fishing or the zoo or different places...


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