Ga 6:7 BE NOT DECEIVED; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Sometimes we have things in our life that will ultimately bring harm to us. We all know the effects blatant willful sin and how it will destroy us but sometimes we overlook things in our life that will also bring us harm.
There are things like pride, greed, envy, and others that certainly do not bring Glory to God but eat away at us, usually a little at a time.
Someone once told me that it was easy enough to fight off a shark but when you had thousands of tiny fish biting you it was hard to get away from them. Many of us are like that in our spiritual lives. We don't have great shark-like sins but we do have a multitude of little ones we can't seem to shake off.
The only way to deal with this is by self examination. We must ask ourselves, is there something in my life that I need to separate myself from. Are there sins that seem small to me but ultimately damage my relationship to God and others. If so these will eventually eat away at your spiritual life.
What kind of seed are you sowing? Believe me, If you sow a particular type of seed, that is what you are going to harvest.
Sometimes we have things in our life that will ultimately bring harm to us. We all know the effects blatant willful sin and how it will destroy us but sometimes we overlook things in our life that will also bring us harm.
There are things like pride, greed, envy, and others that certainly do not bring Glory to God but eat away at us, usually a little at a time.
Someone once told me that it was easy enough to fight off a shark but when you had thousands of tiny fish biting you it was hard to get away from them. Many of us are like that in our spiritual lives. We don't have great shark-like sins but we do have a multitude of little ones we can't seem to shake off.
The only way to deal with this is by self examination. We must ask ourselves, is there something in my life that I need to separate myself from. Are there sins that seem small to me but ultimately damage my relationship to God and others. If so these will eventually eat away at your spiritual life.
What kind of seed are you sowing? Believe me, If you sow a particular type of seed, that is what you are going to harvest.
This takes a lot of thinking and praying. I know. But its very rewarding when you finally get rid of them.