Wednesday, December 10, 2008


John 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

I am sure you have received some very practical gifts in your life. I am sure you have also received some that were not very practical at all. Sometimes it is not the expense of a gift that makes it special but the thoughtfulness of it. You see something and you fit it to someone and you just know that they can use it and will enjoy it.
Several years ago my daughter gave me a small ratchet and socket set along with the other presents she gave me. I can not count the times that the sockets and ratchet have been useful to me. Every time I use them I think of how thoughtful it was of my daughter to get them for me. It was a very practical gift.
I am a little cautious about giving out too much information on the inter net so I don't use my regular credit cards. There was some software and a few other things I wanted and last year my son gave me a prepaid Visa card for Christmas so that I could purchase them without worrying about identity theft. It was a thoughtful and practical gift.
Sometimes in our zeal we can think something is practical but we can be badly mistaken. Once a group raised money to send plumbing fixtures to a mission field. They were very successful in raising the money and were able to ship a whole cargo container of plumbing fixtures. The only problem was that they had no running water in the village they were sent to. They were completely useless.
Jesus was the perfect gift, The Bread of Life. The world is filled with spiritual hunger and Jesus is the only one who can satisfy that urgent need. What could be more practical than sharing Jesus with someone who is spiritually starved?


  1. Never thought of Jesus as a practical gift. Considering He is the greatest gift no matter the person or circumstance it only makes sense.

  2. Hey K. nice to meet you. David where in the heck have you been

  3. It's real good present for friends!


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