A dead end sign means that once you get to a certain point that you can't go any farther. On a road you can go so far and when you get so far you either have to stop or turn around and go back.
As unpleasant as it is to think about in life we will eventually come to the end of life's road. We never know when that will be. When we are young we try not to think about it and assume that we will live to a ripe old age. Sadly that is not always the case.
The truth is that we begin heading for death the moment we are born. The important thing is that we be prepared because even after death there is more to come. To those who have accepted Jesus as their personal Savior there is eternal life. To those who have not there is eternal damnation.
It is important that we recognize how breif this life is and how long eternity is. As we walk this dead end road of life we need to be laying up our treasures in heaven, by doing the will of God, by sharing Jesus with those around us, and by enjoying the blessings God has given us.
This life is short even if you live to be a hundred. Doesn't it make sense to be preparing for eternity.
The nice thing with this blog is, its very awsome when it comes to there topic.
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful with your blog it is very useful to me.
ReplyDeleteThis one makes you think.
ReplyDeleteThis one makes you think.
ReplyDeleteLive and love like there is no tomorrow! I like these road sign themes, I see a sign and remember something I have read. Just glad I can pray without closing my eyes!
ReplyDeleteanother good one and so true