Tuesday, August 16, 2011


1 Kings- 3:13 And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches, and honour: so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days.

God has much to offer to each one of his children. It is important that we choose the right gifts that will bring Glory to His name.

Solomon could have chosen riches but we see so many instances in the Bible where riches did not bring happiness, fulfillment, or satisfaction to their owners.

There is the story of the Rich Young Ruler who wanted to follow Jesus but turned and went away sad when Jesus told him to sell all his belongings and give the proceeds to the poor.

The prodigal son got his inheritance and wasted it on riotous living and did not find peace until he came to himself and returned to his father's house.

There was the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus and the rich man did not have enough riches to keep him from the fires of hell. No one else does either.

I always liked the story of the rich man with the overflowing barns who wanted to pull them down and build bigger barns but who was to die that day.

God did grant Solomon great riches but only after he asked for wisdom. Maybe as we pray for God's blessings we should ask for the wisdom to use them wisely.

shilohkosciusko@gmail.com with questions, comments or even suggestions for further devotional studies.

If you know of someone new to the Kosciusko area and would like for our church to visit them please let us know. Our prayers are that this devotional ministry will be an outreach to bring people into a closer relationship with Jesus. I do appreciate you taking the time to read these devotionals and please keep us in your prayers.

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