Monday, June 29, 2009

Surviving Disaster Introduction

We know that disaster might strike at any time. It could be in the form of an earthquake, a storm, an accident, a hurricane, or even an attack on our country. We also have many spiritual disasters that strike and in the next few days I will be giving some hints on disaster survival.

Deuteronomy 33:27 The eternal God refuge], and underneath the everlasting arms:

Many times we have warnings of disaster, such as tornadoes. We know that we should seek a safe place to ride out the storm.I rode out Hurricane Katrina in my Toyota parked beside an abandoned school house for about 6 hours. Next time I will know to get out of the way. We learn from experience.
The same is true with the spiritual storms that come into our life. Many times we can see them coming but we make no preparation to avoid them and take shelter. The best way is to walk daily with God and let Him embrace you each day in His everlasting arms. Trust Jesus and try to follow Him on a daily basis and there is no greater refuge in time of a storm.
Sorry about being late publishing today. I should be back on schedule now.

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