Thursday, June 18, 2009



Mark 8:18 Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?
So many people are blind to the spiritual truths of the Bible. There are things they have seen in the lives of other people but never have experienced for themselves.Spiritual blindness is the cause of much frustration in the lives of believers. When we open our eyes to the truth in the Word of God it can change our whole attitude and our perspective on life. We then become useful vessels in God's service.
One of the most disheartening things I have experienced as a pastor is to preach on a particular thing over and over and then have someone else preach the same thing and people act as if they have never heard it before. They become so excited as if they have received a new message when all the time they had ears to hear and they heard not. Listen actively to your pastor. The message you receive is not his but is from God.
Sometimes we see and hear but we are too soon to forget the lessons we should have already learned. Don't forget the spiritual lessons you have learned. Incorporate them into your life and live them out everyday.

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