Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Spiritual Examination 2

(2 Cor 13:5)  Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
If a cardiologist thinks there may be something wrong with a patient's heart he will sometimes give them a stress test. When the heart is put under stress if there is a problem it will usually show up.
The same is true spiritually as well. When things are going well and we don't seem to be facing any great difficulties it is easy to say we have faith. It is easy to trust God in the good times. It is during the times of extreme stress that any problems with our heart ( spiritually speaking ) will make themselves known.
How do you react to problems? Do you get all upset and panic? Do you become angry, resentful or bitter? This could be a warning that you are not as spiritually healthy as you should be.

Remember, no matter what you are facing, you have God on your side. Whatever it is will be better handled by trusting Him. Having a heart filled with faith is the way to beat the stress test.
We have compiled an E-book of our devotionals in .pdf format. We will send them to you attached to an email.
Email us atshilohkosciusko@gmail.com \
We welcome questions, comments or even suggestions for further devotional studies.

If you know of someone new to the Kosciusko area and would like for our church to visit them please let us know.  Our prayers are that this devotional ministry will be an outreach to bring people into a closer relationship with Jesus.  I do appreciate you taking the time to read these devotionals and please keep us in your prayers.

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