Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
When a person works hard all week and opens his pay envelope he expects to find the wages he has earned. He has put in his time, energy, effort and skills and he should get what is coming to him. They are his wages and he has earned them.
What do you think he would do if instead of his wages he found a note that said, "If you will come to the office we would like to give you a large bonus, unlimited benefits, and a key to the company with a guarantee of lifetime benefits, salary and bonuses. This will all be yours if you will just trust us and come to the office and collect it."
I doubt very seriously if he would stand there ranting and raving about not getting the wages that he deserved. He would be much better off accepting the generous gift that was offered and any man with common sense would know this.
Because we have all sinned we deserve death and separation from God forever. He offers us the bonus of eternal life with more benefits than we can even imagine if we will only trust Him and come to Jesus. The amazing thing is that this is an offer that is made to all men.
Please feel free to contact me by email at with questions, comments or even suggestions for further devotional studies.
If you know of someone new to the Kosciusko area and would like for our church to visit them please let us know. Our prayers are that this devotional ministry will be an outreach to bring people into a closer relationship with Jesus. I do appreciate you taking the time to read these devotionals and please keep us in your prayers.
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