Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spiritual Alarm Clock

Romans 13:11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to AWAKE out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

Some people can't stand the sound of the alarm clock in the mornings. It means they have to crawl out of their comfortable beds and face another day. Many will press the snooze alarm and keep dozing until the last minute when it is absolutely imperative that they get out of bed.
Physical sleep is needful to restore the body and give us renewed physical energy. If we sleep well it is even enjoyable, we are able to rest, relax and perhaps dream pleasant dreams. If we look forward to sleep as an escape from reality and the problems of the world we need to look at our life and ask ourselves if we are where God wants us to be and doing what God wants us to do.

Everyone doesn't dread the alarm clock. Some people look forward to the opportunity to get up and begin a new day. A new day is exciting and filled with opportunity for them. Some people don't even need an alarm clock, they just seem to get up and get started on their own(Usually these are the ones who are smart enough to go to bed at a decent hour).

We are all familiar with the need for physical sleep and the problems sleeping disorders cause us, but what about spiritual sleep. Sometimes we don't hear the alarms in our own life when we are asleep spiritually. We don't even realize that great spiritual strength is awaiting us if we will just wake up. We should be alarmed if we are not aware of the presence of God in our lives. If we are not seeking a closer relationship with the Lord then we are probably not as spiritually awake as we should be.
Is your prayer life faltering? Are you neglecting the Word of God? Do you often go long periods of time without thinking of spiritual things? Is your fellowship with other Christians not as strong and fulfilling as it once was? Are you lacking in your desire to reach others for Christ?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions maybe your spiritual alarm clock should be going off right now. Paul didn't say it is about time to awake. He said it is high time to awake! We can't sleep until the Lord comes back. There is much work to do and we should look forward to it, not with dread, but with great anticipation.

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