Nehemiah 4:10 And Judah said, The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed, and there is much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall.
Nehemiah and his people were trying to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem but there was so much rubbish that they were not able to start building until they cleaned it up. We know that they eventually did get the walls rebuilt.
Have you ever noticed how much trash a family can produce. We do not have house to house garbage pickup so each morning I take out the main garbage bag as I leave the house and take it to the dumpster. Some people say they would rather have their garbage picked up but I would not. They only pick up the garbage one or two times per week in most places and I am not that fond of living with my garbage for a week. Usually one day a week I gather up the extra trash and make a special trip to the dumpster to get rid of all of it only to start again. Imagine if you never took out any trash. Your home would become unlivable. You would not be able even to get around in it after awhile, not to mention the odor and the unsanitary conditions.
The same is really true with our spiritual lives as well. We sometimes forget to take out the mental and spiritual garbage that hinders us. We may hold on to a secret sin, we may harbor a long time grudge, we may have too much pride. If we continue to let these things build up then "there is much rubbish" and we can't serve God the way we should. Once we go too long we have a much bigger job trying to get things right and cleaned up in our lives.
We should start each day taking the garbage out by confessing our sins to God, asking forgiveness and trying to build upon the day. The garbage may still come in but it sure is easier to get rid of it one day at a time.
I told Tyler that just yesterday. He was mad about something that happened days ago and then seemed like every thing made him mad. I told him the anger was squeezing Jesus into a corner and growing. That he needed to clean it out and start again with Jesus and learn to deal with anger before bedtime every day.